Sunday 19 August 2012

Updates as of 8/20/12- Game reviews, Expendables and Yellow tummy sacs. Wait wut

Its update time, damnit!

So heres whats new (and old) with the blog. Ill be updating the link of Slendy Sanatorium. Sorry if i didnt get to post it yesterday, the upload got screwed up :P

 Ill also be reviewing the movie, Expendables 2. Im gonna watch it this afternoon, so if your planning to watch the movie, check it here first xD I wont post any spoilers of course :3 dont worry.

I also plan to introduce the upcoming games Halo 4, Black ops 2, and more. All that waiting for you in the month of August, just so you all have something to look forward to :D Lol feeler xD

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming. Til later. Gab out.

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