Saturday 18 August 2012

How to think up a catch phrase: Random Saturday

It's brainstorming time, dammit!
It's also random Saturday, damnit!

That there's my catch phrase, yup. But wait, what exactly is a catch phrase? A catch phrase is a phrase you say at the beginning of a video or a blogpost or whatever, it's purpose is to be a reminder of who is the owner of the video or blog or whatever.

For example, take famous youtubers Ian and anthony from Smosh, their catch phrase is "Shut Up!" Whenever you hear that, doesn't it remind you of Smosh? That's the purpose of a catch phrase.

So you wanna make your own catch phrase now eh? Here's how. Never ever copy someone else's catch phrase. It will either result in major hating or you might get sued for copying xD But that aside, think of the most random phrase ever. It can be an everyday sentence. I got my catch phrase from my bladder. I said out loud, "I have to pee, damnit!" and viola, it stuck to me, and a new catch phrase was born.

So in short, be creative, combine everyday sentences to form something unique to you. It has to remind people of you, so think hard, don't copy, and have fun thinking up catch phrases.

Gab out. Damnit!

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